
Slice Bridge (Testnet)

The Slice Bridge for testnet allows you to bridge ETH from Ethereum Goerli to Slice Goerli and vice versa.

To bridge to or from Slice Goerli:

  1. Click Connect wallet

  2. Connect your wallet

  3. Choose the amount of ETH (or the asset of your choice that's available) you'd like to deposit or withdraw

Portal Proxy Contract

You can bridge ETH from Ethereum Goerli to Slice Goerli by sending Goerli ETH to the following contract address:



By default, bridging ETH will result in a SELF transaction on the L2, with the from and to addresses equal to the address performing the bridge on the L1. This will also increase that address' L2 nonce. If you are bridging for the purpose of a deterministic contract deploy that depends on a zero nonce, please bridge using a different address first, and transfer to the contract deployment address on the L2 after bridging.


Do not send any asset other than ETH to the portal proxy contract. The proxy contract only supports receipt of ETH and sending any other asset will result in unrecoverable loss of the asset.

Last updated